QT2 Systems, LLC - Change In Ownership

To: All Coaches

From: Tim Snow

Date: June 17, 2024

Back in April I sent out a message letting you know that I would be purchasing QT2. At the time, it was to be effective on May 20th. It turns out that selling and buying these kinds of things have certain complexities, and a whole bunch of different variables. As result, we got delayed and were not able to execute upon a May 20th closing. 

We gave ourselves another four weeks to be able to get everything in order, and here we are. Effective today, I have taken full-ownership of QT2 Systems, LLC. As part of this agreement Jesse and Chrissie retain full-ownership of The Core Diet. Though moving forward we - The Core Diet and QT2 Systems - will be separate entities, we will continue to work together, with The Core Diet serving as our primary provider of nutrition services.  For more detail on the specifics of how the logistics of our partnership with The Core Diet will work, read HERE.

I look forward to working with each of you, and am excited about what the future will bring, the continued role that we will play in helping athletes to achieve THEIR goals - whatever they may be, and shaping the face of endurance coaching with the highest quality coaching in the business.

As always, please let me know if there is anything that you need.

Be well, and let’s do it!

QT2 Systems, LLC - Change In Ownership
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