Coach Tim Snow started out writing a blog post called The Butterfly Affect, which ended up turning into something much more complex, and lengthy. It turned into something that could not really be most effectively shared in a blog-type setting. But, we wanted to make sure that it was made available to you in the typical way that you access our written content. To that end, please see, below, three different links, all of which will allow you to access the writing, in three different forms. Two of them are written versions, available in PDF and iBook formats, and the third is an actual recording of the writing, if you would prefer to listen to it. The writing includes the use of end notes, which have been made interactive, in both of the written versions. While reading, in order to access the endnotes, simply click on the end note's number, and you will be brought to that end note. Click on the end note number again, and you will be brought back to the text.
Generally speaking, of the written versions, both, the PDF and iBook formats are easily read on a computer. If on a phone, or other mobile device, while the PDF version works quite well, the iBook version is probably better. For whatever reason, phone or computer, if using the iBook version, it opens in the middle of the writing (Chapter 2). Please be sure to start all the way back at the "Foreward", in order to see all of it. The audio version is provided through a simple link on Soundcloud software.
We hope that you enjoy!