Training Webinars

QT2’s Training Cornerstone covers all things having to do with your day-to-day program - swim, bike, run, strength, etc. Get an in-depth look at all kinds of training topics, to better understand how it applies to you.

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How Do I Earn a Spot at the 2025 Boston Marathon

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Are you interested in running the 2025 Boston Marathon? In this webinar, QT2 Run Coach Reem Jishi walks you through the qualification & registration timeline, the qualification standards, top qualifying races, factors to consider in picking a qualifying race, and tips to maximize your race day performance.

About the Presenter:

Reem Jishi is a the Program Director and a Coach with QT2 Run. She coaches runners of all levels, from newbies to Boston Qualifiers. She has raced - as a runner, triathlete and cyclist - for more than two decades, and has qualified for the Boston Marathon several times.

Calculating Your Bike Functional Threshold Power

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In this webinar, Coach Eric Kahl guides athletes on how to calculate their bike Functional Threshold Power using the " QT2 Systems 3 and 20 protocol" in addition to other common tests and available data.

About the Presenter:

Eric Kahl has been competing in triathlons since the mid 90’s and coaching endurance athletes for over a decade. Eric has raced in all types of endurance events, from sprint distance to multiple IRONMAN events.

Five Mistakes All Swimmers Need to Avoid with Coach Vinny Johnson

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Training in the aquatic environment is a unique problem for all athletes. We are requesting our terrestrial form to grab liquid, propel ourselves by exerting force on this liquid, all with the hopes of faster swim splits. The focus on technique can trump the focus on fitness for most folks new to swimming. Yet the desire to get in the laps and yardages always seems to overshadow what the true need is....better technique. In this webinar I will outline 5 areas to focus on when you are in the pool. The more you improve these areas of your technique the faster you will get faster with respect to swimming more.

The Base Phase of Training

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This presentation will focus on the base phase of training. The base phase reaches far deeper into your season than it is often given credit for. It is certainly the time to rebuild aerobic efficiency, but it also represents an opportunity to develop lean muscle mass and improve across the board mechanics. Particular attention will be paid to what constitutes appropriate, and inappropriate, training intensities during the base phase, as well as the theory as to why it matters.

What You Will Learn: 
(1) Goals that athletes can strive for, and challenges that they will encounter, during the base phase. (2) What constitutes proper and improper training intensities, and why. (3) How and why strength training benefits athletes, long-term, when completed during the base phase. (4) How a focus on mechanics, during the base phase, can translate into late-season speed.

About the Presenter:

Tim Snow is the Training Services Director, and Coach with QT2 Systems, as well as a former PRO/Elite triathlete. Tim has been racing since 1998, across many distances and types of endurance sports. He coaches top-level triathletes, through QT2's 1-1 Coaching service, and manages the day-to-day operations of the training side of the LLC.

Swim Mechanics

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In this webinar, Jesse Kropelnicki will discuss how to swim faster in the open water, how to reduce the likelihood of shoulder injury and how to reduce the physiologic impact of the swim. He will break down the swim stroke by looking at common flaws and ways to address them, as well as look at training techniques to get the most out of your training.

About the Presenter:

Jesse Kropelnicki is an elite/pro level triathlon coach who founded the QT2 Systems brand of endurance preparation businesses, including OutRival Racing, The Core Diet, The Run Formula, and QT2 Systems. His interests are in coaching professional triathletes using quantitative training and nutrition protocols. He is a USAT Level III Certified Coach and author of the book “The Endurance Training Diet & Cookbook: The How, When, and What for Fueling Runners and Triathletes to Improve Performance”.

What the F*** Happened?

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This presentation will look at the development of fitness and aerobic efficiency, following a period of inactivity. Attendees can expect to understand what happens to their bodies during a period of non-training, what can be expected after a resumption of training, and why NOT to panic. A major focus of this presentation will be spent on how and why this period of detraining is integral to long-term progress.

About the Presenter:

Tim Snow is the Training Services Director, and Coach with QT2 Systems, as well as a former PRO/Elite triathlete. Tim has been racing since 1998, across many distances and types of endurance sports. He coaches top-level triathletes, through QT2's 1-1 Coaching service, and manages the day-to-day operations of the training side of the is a Professional/Elite triathlete and coach with QT2 Systems, LLC.

Critical Volume and IM Limiters

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This webinar will discuss one of QT2's most well known concepts: Critical Volume. Critical Volume attempts to define the volume of training required by an athlete (for various race distances) to not have durability be the limiter (95% of IM athletes). Join this webinar and learn about how much training volume is required for each race distance, how/when you can expect to get there, and what the impacts may be if you do not meet this volume in training. This webinar will also review QT2's triathlon calculator, how it works, and what role Critical Volume plays in the race time outputs. This will be a great webinar….don't miss it!!

What You Will Learn: 
(1) What Critical Volume is and how it relates to your race day limiters. (2) How/when you can expect to reach critical volume. (3) How the Triathlon Calculator uses critical volume in its calculations.

About the Presenter:

Jesse Kropelnicki is an elite/pro level triathlon coach who founded the QT2 Systems brand of endurance preparation businesses, including OutRival Racing, The Core Diet, The Run Formula, and QT2 Systems. His interests are in coaching professional triathletes using quantitative training and nutrition protocols. He is a USAT Level III Certified Coach and author of the book “The Endurance Training Diet & Cookbook: The How, When, and What for Fueling Runners and Triathletes to Improve Performance”.

Tracking Progress In Your Training

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This 60 minute webinar will review some useful and practical methods in tracking the progress of your training. We will discuss how and why athletes should consider tracking their own progress, and how it relates to the mental aspect of training and racing.

What You Will Learn: 
(1) How to track progress in your fitness and durability, on both micro and macro levels. (2) Why it is important to track progress in your fitness and durability. (3) How and why accurate data collection translates into race day success. (4) How to treat both positive and negative outlier workouts.

About the Presenter: 

Tim Snow is the Training Services Director, and Coach with QT2 Systems, as well as a former PRO/Elite triathlete. Tim has been racing since 1998, across many distances and types of endurance sports. He coaches top-level triathletes, through QT2's 1-1 Coaching service, and manages the day-to-day operations of the training side of the LLC.

Training and Racing Ironman: It's All Aerobic

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This webinar will discuss one of QT2's cornerstones: Developing the aerobic system with proper training. Training at the correct intensity is arguably one of the most critical components to becoming a faster endurance athlete. The aerobic energy system is the primary energy system responsible for powering the majority of our races. This webinar will review the rationale for why QT2's training protocols place such a strong emphasis on developing this energy system and its race day benefits. Join this webinar and learn the importance of training at the correct intensity, and how it will translate into race day speed. This webinar will also review measuring progress by using aerobic training metrics (Zone 1 outputs: pace and/or wattage). This will be a great webinar….don't miss it!!

What You Will Learn: 
(1) The difference between the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. (2) The positive effects of developing your aerobic system and pitfalls of over developing your anaerobic system (for long course triathlon). (3) How to use aerobic training metrics to inform pacing for upcoming races.

About the Presenter: 
John Spinney is a former triathlon coach with QT2 Systems. He has helped many athletes reach top age group success and even professional status.

Season Planning: A Quantitative and Practical Approach

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This webinar will discuss one of QT2 Systems' most important principles; Season Planning. A well-developed season plan can prepare athletes for a full season of training and racing, while continuing to make long-term progress, and remain injury free. Have you ever wondered what key characteristics allow Elite athletes to race week after week at such high levels? It's all about season planning! Avoid the common mistakes that many athletes make, which lead to burnout. Make steady progress throughout your entire season, and beyond. Develop an appropriate taper strategy for your respective race distance(s). Develop a firm understanding of how often you can race, and still expect to perform optimally. These are all components of a season plan that addresses your limiters, and works within the parameters of your life, and past experiences.

What You Will Learn: 
(1) What common pitfalls athletes fall into, when setting up their season, which lead to injury and/or burnout. (2) How to race well throughout an entire season, both in its early and later stages. (3) Effective taper strategies across all race distances. (4) Recommended recovery periods between races of various lengths.

About the Presenter: 
Jesse Kropelnicki is an elite/pro level triathlon coach who founded the QT2 Systems brand of endurance preparation businesses, including OutRival Racing, The Core Diet, The Run Formula, and QT2 Systems. He is the triathlon coach for many professional athletes including Linsey Corbin and Pedro Gomes, among others. His interests are in coaching professional triathletes using quantitative training and nutrition protocols. He is a USAT Level III Certified Coach and author of the book “The Endurance Training Diet & Cookbook: The How, When, and What for Fueling Runners and Triathletes to Improve Performance”.

Planning Out Your Upcoming Season

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Planning out an upcoming season can be one of the most difficult, and important preseason tasks that an athlete can undertake. When is it appropriate to race? Are there times when it is inappropriate to race? Is there an optimal progression of races? This webinar will take an in-depth look at how to plan out your next triathlon season, and why it is so important to achieving your goals. Join us!

What You Will Learn: 
(1) When it is appropriate to plan races, relative to your season's key race(s). (2) When it may be inappropriate to schedule a race into your season. (3) How and when to incorporate an optimal progression of races, building towards your ultimate goal race. How and when to incorporate single-sport racing into your season.

About the Presenter: 
Cait Snow is a former Professional triathlete, and former coach with QT2 Systems. She guided many athletes to top age group success. Cait was a Level III QT2 coach, holding certifications from USA Triathlon and ACSM.

Coaching Credibility

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This webinar will discuss the key components of creating and maintaining a credible relationship between athlete and coach. Dubbed the 7Cs (Character, Consistency, Communication, Caring, Competency, Commitment, Confidence Building) Coach Jesse will introduce, and review, the importance of each piece and the roles that they play in athlete success. Develop a firm understanding of what makes strong athlete and coach relationships possible, and how you can begin to foster the same. Join us!

What You Will Learn: 
(1) What coaching credibility is, and how to maintain it with each of your athletes. (2) How the 7Cs apply to the athlete/coach relationship. (3) How coaching credibility is fostered as part of a long-term coaching relationship.

About the Presenter: 
Jesse Kropelnicki is an elite/pro level triathlon coach who founded the QT2 Systems brand of endurance preparation businesses, including OutRival Racing, The Core Diet, The Run Formula, and QT2 Systems. He is the triathlon coach for many professional athletes including Linsey Corbin and Pedro Gomes, among others. His interests are in coaching professional triathletes using quantitative training and nutrition protocols. He is a USAT Level III Certified Coach and author of the book “The Endurance Training Diet & Cookbook: The How, When, and What for Fueling Runners and Triathletes to Improve Performance”.

Ultra Running

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Ultra-distance running is fast becoming what marathoning was in the 70s and 80s. Learn how to approach it safely, and whether or not it can be incorporated into your triathlon training. Join us!

What You Will Learn: 
(1) Ultra-running's similarities and dissimilarities with typical marathoning . (2) How to safely approach ultra distance running. (3) When you are ready for an ultra-distance running race. (4) How to recognize and avoid injuries inherent to ultra-distance running.

About the Presenter: 
Tara Rasch is a USAT Level I and QT2 Systems Triathlon Coach of age group and professional athletes, as well as multiple time finisher of ultra-distance races all over the United States.

The Art of Balance in Triathlon

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Triathlon is an all-consuming sport, with three very different disciplines that must be worked on, constantly. This can, at times, leave athletes in a balancing act between the sport, family, work, and everything else that life throws your way. This webinar will take an in-depth look at how athletes can most effectively balance all of the components in one's life, and not leave them pulling their hair out. Join us, October 4th at 8pm EST.

What You Will Learn: 
(1) A consideration of all of your different life roles. (2) How those roles play with, and against, the sport of triathlon. (3) How to navigate through each of your life roles, in conjunction with the sport of triathlon. (4) Setting goals and expectations, based upon how your life roles conjunct with the sport of triathlon.

About the Presenter: 
Jackie Miller has been racing triathlon since 2005, coaching since 2007 and with QT2 Systems since 2012. In addition to coaching athletes, she is also the coaching coordinator and team leader.

Fast After 40

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Want to learn how QT2 logic is used to help athletes stay fast well into their 40s, 50s, and beyond? Come hear coach John Spinney sound off on the key principles that triathletes over 40 need to perform their best. Join us!

What You Will Learn: 
(1) The typical limitations that athletes over 40 face. (2) How to address these specific limitations in a logical way that promotes long term success. (3) How to navigate training and racing well into your 60s, and the specific issues that these athletes face.

About the Presenter: 
John Spinney is a USAT Level I and former QT2 Level III Triathlon Coach of age group and PRO athletes, as well as a multiple time Kona qualifier. And, most importantly, still fast at 40!

The Great Cadence Debate

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In this webinar, Jesse Kropelnicki will review the use of a specific cycling cadence protocols for those athletes that are strong cyclists vs strong runners and visa-versa. Cadence plays a role with all triathletes, and is an important part of balancing the triathlete's program. 1) Learn how to set up training to address physiology and muscle tension needs. 2) Learn how to change your approach to cadence based on your specific needs as a triathlete.

About the Presenter: 
Jesse Kropelnicki is an elite/pro level triathlon coach who founded the QT2 Systems brand of endurance preparation businesses, including OutRival Racing, The Core Diet, The Run Formula, and QT2 Systems. He is the triathlon coach for many professional athletes including Linsey Corbin and Pedro Gomes, among others. His interests are in coaching professional triathletes using quantitative training and nutrition protocols. He is a USAT Level III Certified Coach and author of the book “The Endurance Training Diet & Cookbook: The How, When, and What for Fueling Runners and Triathletes to Improve Performance”.

Key Aspects of Swim Bike Run

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Join QT2 Systems founder, Jesse Kropelnicki, as he reviews some of the often overlooked key factors of the swim, bike, and run.

About the Presenter: 
Jesse Kropelnicki is an elite/pro level triathlon coach who founded the QT2 Systems brand of endurance preparation businesses, including OutRival Racing, The Core Diet, The Run Formula, and QT2 Systems. He is the triathlon coach for many professional athletes including Linsey Corbin and Pedro Gomes, among others. His interests are in coaching professional triathletes using quantitative training and nutrition protocols. He is a USAT Level III Certified Coach and author of the book “The Endurance Training Diet & Cookbook: The How, When, and What for Fueling Runners and Triathletes to Improve Performance”.

Strength Training - That Extra 1%

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Strength training is not something that should be an after thought to your triathlon and run training. This can be that little 1% extra, that can take your training and racing to the next level! Strength is an integral part of your training, but should be periodized along with your triathlon/run training. Join us as we take you through our QT2 Systems devised strength training program.

We will cover: 
1) Functional Assessment-See where your weaknesses are and what you can do about them 2) Core/Pre-hab Exercises-Keep your core strong and learn some exercises to PREVENT injury 3) Upper/Lower Exercises that are specific to triathlon and running 4) TRX Training 5) Plyometrics In addition to learning some new exercises, we will also go through the different phases of your annual training and when each of these types of training should be incorporated.

About the Presenter: 
Jackie Miller has been racing triathlon since 2005, coaching since 2007 and with QT2 Systems since 2012. In addition to coaching athletes, she is also the coaching coordinator and team leader.

Swim Mechanics and Efficiency

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Every athlete's objective is to swim fast. This webinar will discuss the components that make up speed and efficiency. We’ll break down the stroke looking at common flaws and ways to address them, as well as look at training techniques to get the most out of your training. 

About the presenter: 

Jesse Kropelnicki is an elite/pro level triathlon coach who founded the QT2 Systems brand of endurance preparation businesses, including OutRival Racing, The Core Diet, The Run Formula, and QT2 Systems. He is the triathlon coach for many professional athletes including Linsey Corbin and Pedro Gomes, among others. His interests are in coaching professional triathletes using quantitative training and nutrition protocols. He is a USAT Level III Certified Coach and author of the book “The Endurance Training Diet & Cookbook: The How, When, and What for Fueling Runners and Triathletes to Improve Performance”.

The Best Athletes Are Made In the Off-Season

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You just finished your last big race for the 2018 season. You are looking ahead to a fresh new 2019 season. You have your races all lined up, but what should you do NOW? How much "off time" should you take at the end of the season? What should you do to turn your limiters into strengths? Structured training vs unstructured training. Drills to work on for the swim, bike and run. Find out about all of this and more!

About the Presenter: 
Jackie Miller has been racing triathlon since 2005, coaching since 2007 and with QT2 Systems since 2012. In addition to coaching athletes, she is also the coaching coordinator and team leader.

The Nuts and Bolts of Signing Up For Your First IRONMAN

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Are you thinking about signing up for your first Ironman? Or, maybe you've already done one (or more) and want to do another, but not sure how to make it all work with your busy life? Well, then this webinar is for you! Join Eric Kahl, as he discusses the details around the new sign up process including the payment plan, deferral options and the insurance. Find out how to make the training work, the time and costs surrounding "Iron Year" and more!

About the Presenter: 
Eric Kahl is a QT2 Systems coach and has been competing in triathlons since the early 90’s and coaching endurance athletes for over a decade. Eric has raced in all types of endurance events, from sprint distance to multiple IRONMAN events as well as multi-day expedition style Adventure races like Eco-Challenge and Primal Quest. His philosophy is that having a healthy balance with family, work and other commitments is critical to reaching full athletic potential.

Athletes - Men Are From Mars, and Women Are From Venus

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Join us in this webinar given by Dr. Barbara Nelson and learn about the differences between men and women athletes, including: Physiological and anthropometric differences in male and female athletes, hormonal differences, effects of the menstrual cycle on training and racing, menopause and the female athlete triad.

About the Presenter: 
Barbara Nelson was never an athlete until almost middle age. She did not participate in sports AT ALL as a child, and started running after she had a twin pregnancy that was complicated by insulin-dependent diabetes and a 90 pound weight gain. Barbara ran her first marathon at the age of 37 and did her first Ironman at the age of 42. She specializes in issues specific to female athletes including hormones, anemia, bone density, and other issues. Barbara enjoys working with beginners and first time Ironman athletes, because it was not too long ago that she was a beginner herself. Based on her personal experience, she believe it takes individualized and customized coaching for an athlete to meet their full potential.

Shoes, Shoes and More Shoes - How to Choose

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Choosing the proper running shoe(s), for you. 

About the Presenter: 
Lisa Holt is a former Run Formula Coach.

Pool Running - Injured, Or Not...Making It Beneficial

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Join Reem Jishi as she discusses pool running and why you should consider adding it to your training.

About the Presenter:

Reem Jishi is the Content Director, Run Training Specialist, and Coach with QT2 Systems/The Run Formula. Reem has been racing since 2000 as a runner, cyclist and triathlete. She has been coaching since 2010, and works with age group athletes of various levels of experience.

Optimizing Your Bike Set Up for Race Day - A Practical and Affordable Approach

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Want to know how to set up your bike to optimize race day performance, but get confused by all of the seemingly conflicting info out there? This webinar will help simplify the process for you, and help set you up for your best possible bike split.

About the Presenter: 
Doug MacLean is a USAT Level 2, and QT2 Level 3, Triathlon Coach. He’s been coaching for QT2 since 2010, and racing professionally since 2011.

ZWIFT 101: Your Guide to Virtual Cycling and Running!

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QT2 Systems coach Eric Kahl will lead webinar participants through the Zwift application and explore how this tool can improve your indoor training experience. Zwift is a third-party online training tool allowing cyclists and runners of all abilities to train with and against others in an interactive virtual environment. While many athletes use Zwift year-round, many choose to train with Zwift and other online interactive training tools such as “Erg Mode” during the colder months of the year or now during this Social Distancing era. This brief webinar will cover some basic set up information, and how to utilize Zwift to maximize your indoor training experience. Details and information will include using the workout feature, joining group rides, leading group rides, account personalization and more!

About the Presenter: 
Eric Kahl has been competing in triathlons and endurance sports since the mid 90’s and coaching endurance athletes for over a decade. Eric has raced in all types of endurance events, from sprint distance to multiple IRONMAN events and multi-day Adventure races. In addition to his extensive racing experience, Eric has coached hundreds of athletes from first-timers to multiple World Championship qualifiers in both 70.3 and 140.6 distances. Eric loves to coach athletes who have a passion for their sport and he believes that no two athletes will ever get the same results by following the same program. The foundation for his coaching is based upon three essential key points: an individualized approach to maximize athlete’s ability, consistency and the right mental attitude.

ZWIFT 2.0: Tricks To Up Your Game

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In a follow up to his Zwift 101 presentation, QT2 Systems coach Eric Kahl will lead webinar participants through the Zwift application and explore some “hacks” and tricks to improve your indoor training experience and speed up your level advancement… Zwift is a third-party online training tool allowing cyclists and runners of all abilities to train with and against others in an interactive virtual environment. This presentation is designed for athletes who already enjoy Zwift and are looking to learn some hack and trick to move through the game quicker. This brief webinar will cover some more advanced information than our previous “Zwift 101” presentation, and how to Utilize Zwift to Maximize your indoor training experience. Details and information will include achieving higher levels quicker, Riding ERG mode on “meet up ride”, earning XP (experience ) quicker and much more!

About the Presenter: 
Eric Kahl has been competing in triathlons and endurance sports since the mid 90’s and coaching endurance athletes for over a decade. Eric has raced in all types of endurance events, from sprint distance to multiple IRONMAN events and multi-day Adventure races. In addition to his extensive racing experience, Eric has coached hundreds of athletes from first-timers to multiple World Championship qualifiers in both 70.3 and 140.6 distances. Eric loves to coach athletes who have a passion for their sport and he believes that no two athletes will ever get the same results by following the same program. The foundation for his coaching is based upon three essential key points: an individualized approach to maximize athlete’s ability, consistency and the right mental attitude.

Cycling Rights, Responsibilities, and Action Plan

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Knowing the rules of the road is imperative to protecting yourself and ensuring many more years of riding. But, if you or someone in your group is unfortunate enough to be in an accident, implementing the right plan protects you and your family. Former coach, Tim Tapply, QT2 athlete and attorney, will cover the Massachusetts riding laws, important insurance coverages that protect cyclists, and how to properly collect information if you or someone is in an accident.

About the Presenter: 
Tim Tapply is a former triathlete with QT2 Systems.

The Black Line is Missing!

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Join us for a webinar on all things Open Water, given by QT2 Systems Coach Jackie Miller! We will cover open water swim safety, different ways you can move your pool training into the open water (especially if your pool is still closed!) and the techniques you need to be working on during training. Finally, we will go over the different types of race starts and race day swim tactics.

About the Presenter: 
Jackie Miller has been racing triathlon since 2005, coaching since 2007 and with QT2 Systems since 2012. In addition to coaching athletes, she is also the coaching coordinator and team leader.

A Crash Course to Race Prep

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Is your rescheduled or first race of 2020 coming up? Feeling underprepared? In this webinar, former Coach Joe Rich will give you an idea of how to prepare, including the quick switch from “base” to “race”, how to mentally prepare after a long layoff, and what to expect out of yourself for your first time back in action.

About the Presenter: 
Former Coach, Joe Rich has been competing in triathlon for nearly 12 years, and a runner for the past 15.

Getting Back to Racing During COVID-19

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We’re back! Back to racing! Yes, races are happening again!! This past weekend we saw the first Ironman race on the America continent. In this webinar, Coach Anne, will give an eye opener on what to expect when going to your first Ironman race post COVID and good insight for any other races.

About the Presenter: 
Anne Basso is the Mission Plan Coordinator and a Level 2 QT2 Coach.

Technology and Apps - Getting Plugged In

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In this webinar, Coach Reem Jishi will provide an overview of various devices and apps available to runners and multisport athletes. She will delve into the various smart watches including the features available and how to pick the watch which is best for you. She will also take a shallow drive into different fitness apps, virtual training platforms, cycling and running accessories (including power), smart trainers, and smart glasses and goggles.

About the Presenter: 
Reem Jishi is the Content Director, Run Training Specialist, and Coach with QT2 Systems/The Run Formula. Reem has been racing since 2000 as a runner, cyclist and triathlete. She has been coaching since 2010, and works with age group athletes of various levels of experience. 

Run Gait Analysis

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Join Coach Reem Jishi for a comprehensive overview of running gait mechanics. During this webinar, Reem identifies what to look out for in your own running, and some of the mitigating factors in correcting them. 

About the Presenter: 
Reem Jishi is the Content Director, Run Training Specialist, and Coach with QT2 Systems/The Run Formula. Reem has been racing since 2000 as a runner, cyclist and triathlete. She has been coaching since 2010, and works with age group athletes of various levels of experience. 

Swim Analysis - Arms Are Overrated

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One of the biggest obstacles triathletes face is the lack of one on one in-person training. This makes the proper use of video analysis an integral component of any training season. Since swimming is a technique-driven sport, an awareness of what you look like in the water and how to improve your technique is paramount for faster swim splits. In this webinar, QT2 Systems Coach Vinny Johnson will go over some common flaws that are prevalent in triathletes, and how to fix them. Another part of this webinar will introduce you to the basics of taking underwater footage. Once the footage is captured properly, a coach can easily help you to improve the way you swim each day.

About the Presenter: 
Vinny Johnson is QT2 swim expert and coach. Vinny has always been in/out of swim coaching and has coached with QT2 exclusively for endurance racing.

An Overview of Running Mechanics

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Week 1 of The Run Formula Boston Marathon Webinar Series focuses on run mechanics. Strong run mechanics can lead to improved speed, reduced fatigue and reduced likelihood of injury. In this webinar, Coach Reem Jishi will provide you with some specific guidance on how to use video analysis and advanced run metrics to identify limiters and optimize your running form. She will also take you through a series of run-specific stability and mobility exercises. Links to the Mobility & Stability Routine: 

Video 1 - Warm-Up: 

Video 2 - Main Set - Standing Exercises: 

Video 3 - Main Set - Floor Exercises - 

Video 4 - Cool Down -

About the Presenter: 
Reem Jishi is the Content Director, Run Training Specialist, and Coach with QT2 Systems/The Run Formula. Reem has been racing since 2000 as a runner, cyclist and triathlete. She has been coaching since 2010, and works with age group athletes of various levels of experience. 

How To Qualify For the 2023 Boston Marathon

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Are you interested in Qualifying for the 2023 Boston Marathon? In this webinar, The Run Formula Operations Director and Coach Reem Jishi takes you through the qualification standards, factors to consider in picking a race, top spring and summer qualifying races, and race day tips.

About the Presenter: 
Reem Jishi is the Content Director, Run Training Specialist, and Coach with QT2 Systems/The Run Formula. Reem has been racing since 2000 as a runner, cyclist and triathlete. She has been coaching since 2010, and works with age group athletes of various levels of experience. 

A Triathlete's Guide to Running With Power

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Are you curious about running with power? In this webinar, QT2 Systems Coach Tim Snow takes a deep dive into running with power. What is it? How do you set power training zones? How do you use power during a race?

About the Presenter: 
Tim Snow is the Training Services Director, and Coach with QT2 Systems, as well as a former PRO/Elite triathlete. Tim has been racing since 1998, across many distances and types of endurance sports. He coaches top-level triathletes, through QT2's 1-1 Coaching service, and manages the day-to-day operations of the training side of the LLC.

Intro to SwimRun

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What are these weird races popping up where people are in spectacular locations, running in wetsuits and swimming with shoes on? Welcome to SwimRun! This webinar will be a brief introduction to the basics of SwimRun, to help you get started in an emerging and fun discipline of multisport.

About the Presenter: 
Doug MacLean is a USAT Level 2 certified coach, and has been coaching for QT2 Systems since 2010. He also raced triathlon professionally for 8 years, and has started dabbling in ultrarunning and SwimRun racing.

Running Power Meters - Not Just For Bike Training Anymore!

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We have long used power as a metric in cycling training but it's popularity as a metric for run training is rising! Tune in to hear Coach Tim Gerry talk about ways to utilize power for running in conjunction with pace and heart rate, and examine situations where it might be more useful than other metrics.

About the Presenter: 
Tim Gerry is a Level 1 QT2 Systems Coach and a 3-Time Kona Qualifier. He enjoys helping athletes reach their full potential.

Training Stress Metrics

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In this webinar, Jesse Kropelnicki will discuss Coggan's Training Stress score and how to track training stress throughout the year.

About the Presenter: 

Jesse Kropelnicki is an elite/pro level triathlon coach who founded the QT2 Systems brand of endurance preparation businesses, including OutRival Racing, The Core Diet, The Run Formula, and QT2 Systems. His interests are in coaching professional triathletes using quantitative training and nutrition protocols. He is a USAT Level III Certified Coach and author of the book “The Endurance Training Diet & Cookbook: The How, When, and What for Fueling Runners and Triathletes to Improve Performance”.

A Guide To Selecting Your Next Pair Of Running Shoes - June 2022

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With so many choices out there, it's hard to know where to start your search for the perfect pair of running shoes. In this webinar, The Run Formula Coach Jon Falk will take you through various things to consider, including your foot position and foot strike, categories of running shoes, types of midsole foam, and the differences between daily trainers and speciality shoes. Coach Jon will also hit on some of the most popular brands available, and each brand's distinctive characteristics and most popular offerings.

About the Presenter:

Jon Falk has run 15 sub three hour marathons, including a personal best of 2:46 at the 2006 Chicago and a 2:49 at the 2006 Boston Marathon. Other times of note are his 7h 40m finish at the 2006 JFK 50 Mile and his 59:47 finish at the 2006 Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run. He has made the podium at three races including a 1st place finish at the 2005 Rock Creek Park Marathon ), a 3rd place finish at the Delaware Marathon, and 1st place finish at the 2018 Bay of Fundy Half Marathon (Lubec, Maine). He has also achieved 7 age groups wins at the marathon distance.

Ultrarunning 101

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Have you considered running an Ultra but don't know where to start? In this webinar, The Run Formula Coach, ultrarunner and Race Director Amy Rusiecki walks you through everything you need to know before your first ultra.

In this webinar, Amy covers:

*How to train for an ultra.

*Building blocks of ultrarunning success, including the importance of fueling, hydration and gear.

*Planning for your race, including knowing the course and what type of support you will need.

*Running lessons - top 3 tips from an athlete's perspective.

*Coaching lessons - top 3 tips from a coach's perspective.

About the Presenter:

Amy once considered herself a cross-country skier, who ran for most of her youth, competing in both cross-country running and cross-country skiing through middle school, high school, and DIII College. With a focus on XC skiing, her best season was finishing 3rd overall collegiate nationals, and helping her team win a National Title. Post-collegiate, it was harder and harder to ski at the same level, and she ultimately shifted her focus to running. Her running-focused journey started with road racing up to the marathon distance. A few injuries lead to several seasons of triathlons and bike racing. Ultimately, after a dare with a friend to run a 50-mile race, Amy fell in love with trail running and ultras. She has three times represented the USA at World Trail Championships, her best finish was at the 2013 World Trail Champs, where she was the top-American and 15th female. Amy has raced up and down the East Coast (and a bit around the world), and ultimately enjoys running no matter the distance, terrain, or location – she just wants to be pushing her body, meeting amazing people, and having epic experiences.Amy has been coaching for 18 years, working with High School and College running and XC ski teams, being named ‘Coach of the Year’ three times. She started personal run coaching for ultra and trail runners in 2014. Since then, she has helped runners focus their training towards their goals, such as achieving their first sub-24-hour 100-mile finish, breaking 140-miles in a 24-hour race, and achieving a BQ marathon. She enjoys working with all athletes, because she honestly believes that through hard work and dedication, anyone can achieve their goals!Beyond running, coaching (and her full time job as an environmental engineer), Amy also directs the Vermont 100 Endurance Race, Seven Sisters Trail Race, and Chesterfield Gorge Races. She is sponsored by Inov-8 shoes and Drymax socks.

Training with a Power Meter: What Every Cyclist Should Know

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In this webinar, QT2 Systems Coach Eric Kahl covers some of the main ways you can use a power meter to make your training more time-efficient and effective. Eric offers some great insight on this important tool that will aid you in taking your cycling to a new level.

About the Presenter: 

Eric Kahl has been competing in triathlons since the mid 90’s and coaching endurance athletes for over a decade. Eric has raced in all types of endurance events, from sprint distance to multiple IRONMAN events. He founded Etricoach in 2003 and has coached hundreds of athletes from first-timers to long-course triathletes. Complementing his racing experience, Eric continually educates himself on the newest and best methods pertaining to exercise science and nutrition. His philosophy is that having a healthy balance with family, work and other commitments is critical to reaching full athletic potential Eric loves to coach athletes who have a passion for fitness. He enjoys educating them on best methods of training, healthy living and staying injury-free. His coaching mission is to help athletes of all abilities build confidence and maximize their athletic potential.