QT2 Documents

This is where you will find specific QT2 Documents relating to Base/Build phases, Strength plan phases, Season End Self Evaluations and much more. 

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QT2 Athlete Report Card 2017

QT2 Athlete Report Card 2017 - HERE

  • A QT2 Athlete Report Card given to athletes for them to assess and reflect on their training, racing, pre-race prep, race day outcome, day to day recovery methods and their overall outlook on mental fitness.

QT2 Base Phase Comments 2017

QT2 Base Phase Comments 2017 - HERE

  • A document that provides general Base Training Comments for your athletes. For example, what you would say / write after an aerobic ride, strength workout or a recovery ride.

QT2 Build Phase Comments 2017

QT2 Build Phase Comments 2017 - HERE

  • A document that provides general Build & Race phase Comments for your athletes. For example, what you would say / write after tempo rides and specific key workouts.

QT2 Mission Plan Guidelines 2017

QT2 Mission Plan Guidelines 2017 - HERE

  • A document that provides general Base, Build & Race phase Comments for your athletes. For example, what you would say / write after tempo rides and specific key workouts.

QT2 Run Analysis Template 2017

QT2 Run Analysis Template 2017 - HERE

  • A document that indicates specific run angles you should look for when looking at an athlete's run form.

QT2 Season End Self Evaluation 2017

QT2 Season End Self Evaluation 2017 - HERE

  • A dcoument to provide to your athlete post Race Season to self evaluate him or herself.

QT2 Strength Log 2017

QT2 Strength Log 2017 - HERE

  • A document that allows athlete to track their strength exercises, reps and weight per session.

QT2 Strength Plan Comments 2017

QT2 Strength Plan Comments 2017 - HERE

  • A document that provides general Strength Training Comments for your athletes.

QT2 TRX Strength Plan Comments 2017

QT2 TRX Strength Plan Comments 2017 - HERE

  • A document that describes in detail specific TRX exercises, the purpose of each exercise, and the targeted muscles that are worked in each exercise.